WYD Massive Multiplayer Online Game

What's New in War Systems

In episode IV some changes were made by the game developer in war systems, check out what has changed and get ready for epic wars!

Challenge system

-> To challenge in a city, will be necessary 100 guild fame.
-> If the city does not have owner, it will not be necessary fame guild to challenge it.
-> There are no limitations of citizenship or kingdom to apply challenges.
-> If two guilds challenge a city, the guild that has more guild fame will win the challenge. In case of a tie, the guild that defies last has priority.
-> It will only be possible to challenge one city per week.
-> A guild with a city in a channel, can attack a guild in another channel, in case of victory, the guild winning can collect the tax of that city but the city will be without owner.

Guild Fame

Guilds can win or lose fame guild by performing some in-game action. Check out some of them below:

-> Win city war: +50
-> Losing city war: -50
-> Defeating Kefra: 200
-> Defeat Monsters on RvR: 20 ~ 100
-> Defeat Boss Legend Verid: +500
-> Win Noatun War: +650
-> Losing Noatun War: -650
-> Death of guild leader: 0 ~ -1000

Tower war

-> The tower can be attacked by the kingdom opposite the owner of the channel, when the tower is destroyed, it will return and only the kingdom owner of the channel can attack it.
-> The guild that knocks down the tower and manages to defend it until the end of the war, will receive 100 points of fame guild.
-> Guilds that have cities in the channel and were from the same realm of the guild Dona Noatun, lose 1,000 guild fame points if the tower of the channel is destroyed, if the guild can destroy it back, the penalty will be reduced to 500 points . If the tower is destroyed once again and the guild is able to destroy it again, the loss will be only 300 points.
-> When the tower is destroyed, the guild owner of noatun will have a reduction in the tax gold.
-> All players participating in the city war will receive 300 fame points and 01 Victory Coupon.

Guild medal

-> The cost to create a new guild is 100kk
-> The cost to transfer the leader medal is 100kk.
-> The cost to recruit a member is 4kk
-> The cost to create a sub-leader medal is 50kk

If you have any questions or notice that something is not working as it should, please contact us to inquire with the developer.

Best regards,

WYD Global Team