WYD Massive Multiplayer Online Game

Patchlist 12/03/2020 - English

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Hello players,

Check below the patchlist with all the news that was applied during the last update.

Elemental Water Zone

-> Added a 10 seconds cooldown between the use of each water scroll.

-> Balanced the HP and immunities of some monsters in the elemental zone of water (A).

-> Reduced the time limit to defeat monsters from 30 seconds to 20 seconds.



-> Fixed a bug that caused the 9th Foema White Magic skill not to work correctly.

-> Fixed a bug that caused the 9th TransKnight Trans skill not to work correctly.

-> Increased the cooldown of the skill "Poison" from 2 to 5 seconds.

-> Now the skill "Mana Burn" will have its chance to hit and the amount of mana to be removed adjusted according to the level difference between the attacking character and the attacked one.

We will continue to monitor the skills that have been corrected/balanced to make new adjustments if necessary. Additionally, we are already planning the adjustments that will be made in other skills so that other classes/strains become more competitive.


New commands

It is now possible to remove the look of costumes and riding suits using the commands below.


Turn off the look of the costume equipped by the character while maintaining the attributes.


Turn off the look of the currently active riding costume by the player.



-> Boss Kefra has revived on all channels.

-> Reduced the price paid for the game's NPCs in the item “Bless Refining”.

-> Fixed a bug with auto sales that were not displaying the name defined by the player correctly.

-> Game protections have been improved and new automatic monitoring / blocking systems have been added.




WYD Global Team