WYD Massive Multiplayer Online Game

Patchlist 08/29/2019


Hello WYDianos,

Check out the patchlist below with all the news that were applied during the last update.

Part 1

100th Day Celebration

It may not seem like it, but WYD Global will be 100 days old! We know that all these days were marked by many emotions, but this is just the beginning! To celebrate this great day, we have prepared some special surprises for you!

Double EXP

During 08/30 (after maintenance) and 09/01 (23:59) all monsters in the game will be offering double XP when defeated.

Double drop

During 08/29 and 08/05 (until maintenance) all monsters in the game will have a double chance of dropping items.

Hall Khepra

During 08/29 and 08/05 (until maintenance) the unknown continent can be accessed on channel 8.

Carbuncle EXP

During 29/08 and 05/09 the “Carbuncle EXP” will be buffing players with the EXP Chest effect.

-> Carbuncle is located in Armia near Kibita.
-> Only players between level 300 and 400 can receive the buff.
-> Carbuncle will grant the 2 hour EXP buff.
-> If you already have an EXP buff enabled, it will be replaced by the 2 hour Carbuncle buff.

Bot Blocking

The use of bots or any kind of tools that offer unfair advantages are illegal and will be punished by blocking not only the offending account but all player accounts. Over the past 7 days, over 500 accounts have been blocked for this reason and we will continue to monitor to apply as many punishments as necessary to ensure a healthy gaming community environment. Remember that your help is very important! Whenever you see anything suspicious, send us a print or video so we can investigate the players involved.


-> Increased EXP gained by defeating the water elemental zone monsters (M).
-> Griffin Master has been temporarily removed from the game.
-> The ori and lac scrap drop on some Armia and Azran monsters has been removed.
-> scrap and Powder has been improved on LAN N.
-> Reduced EXP penalty for Archs characters above level 256.
-> The items “Love Candy” and “Love Chocolate” have been deleted from the game.
-> Added to the game new systems to monitor suspicious activity.
-> The costume "Wood Costume" has had its attributes updated. The costume now grants +100 on all character attributes.

Part 2 (Will apply on August 30 at 11:00)

Unfortunately, some systems like auto-selling and jewelry making behaved unexpectedly after today's update. In order to reduce the impact the community would suffer from these issues, we chose not to apply some updates that were expected today. We have already forwarded the reported issues to the developer and hope that, with the fixes applied, the changes below will also apply after a quick maintenance that will take place on 8/30 at 11:00 AM.

Royal Arena

The Royal Arena is officially available! The quest can be accessed every day on the newbie channel. To participate, keep an eye out for registrations that open at 13:00, 19:00, and 23:00.

-> Only 52 players can register per round.
-> Only Archs and Celestial characters can register.
-> If two groups survive to the end, the team with the most lives will be the winner.
-> If both groups have the same amount of lives, there will be no winners.


The Royal Arena winning team will be rewarded with a "Royal Arena Coupon" and EXP.

-> Archs characters from winning team will receive 4,000,000 XP
-> Winning Team Celestial Characters will receive 2,000,000 XP

Royal Arena Coupons

From 09/05, Royal Arena coupons can be used to redeem rewards such as: Exclusive Costumes, Jewelry, Potions, Mithril Ore and other items.

-> The amount of coupons required for each redemption will be announced in the patchlist on 09/05.
-> All rewards will be untradable.
-> Rewards available for coupon redemption may change at any time.


-> Reduced from 1,500 to 150 the gold obtained by using the item "Box of Wisdom ".
-> Reduced from 3,000 to 300 the gold obtained by using the item "Tears Of Angell".
-> Now the item “Peerage Lift” will only reduce a cape refining when used instead of returning the cover refining to +0.

Remember to always start the game using the launcher to get the latest updates and fixes.

WYD Global Team