WYD Massive Multiplayer Online Game

Patchlist 05/09/2019

Hello WYDianos,

Check out the patchlist below with all the news that were applied during the last update.

Royal Arena

NPC “Cecilia” has been added next to Armia's PvP. It will be possible to redeem the coupons obtained at the Royal Arena for various rewards.

-> The Royal Arena takes place every day at 13:00, 19:00 and 23:00 (UTC-3).
-> Participation is free, just register with the "Repus" NPC located near Armia PvP.

Channel 7 and 8 removal

Channels 7 and 8 have been removed. These channels were primarily intended to support the large initial flow of new players at server launch, so they are no longer needed by the hour.

Neutral Channels

With the removal of channels 7 and 8, channels 5 and 6 will now become “neutral” channels and cannot be dominated by any guild. This measure aims to stimulate competitiveness among the guilds of the game. We will monitor the behavior of wars in the coming weeks to make further adjustments if necessary.

-> Guild leaders who owned zones in channels 5 and 6 will receive the gold raised until they are kept directly in the chest.

Tower war

Some adjustments have been made to tower warfare to make it more dynamic. The changes are in testing mode, so they may still change in the coming weeks.

-> War duration reduced from 60 to 30 minutes.
-> Increased tower HP by 50%.
-> Increased tower damage.

Fame Guild

There is currently a great deal of disproportionate ways of getting fame guild in the game, making fame guild less challenging. To balance this, on 9/17 the fame guild of all guilds in the game will be restarted and from that date it will no longer be possible to get fame guild by defeating monsters on the RvR map. These changes are intended to encourage guilds to engage in more challenging fame guild activities such as tower warfare and Kefra boss.

-> From now on the fame guild of all guilds will be restarted every 3 months. The next reset will occur on the first maintenance of December.


-> The gold obtained by defeating monsters on LAN N and M has been doubled.
-> Now sales can only be opened on the newbie channel.
-> The description of several composition NPCs has been updated.
-> The XP gained from defeating the “Water Elemental Zone (A)” monsters has been increased by 50%.
-> Now the monsters of the secret room (Duel Letter) will drop gold when defeated.
-> The lac dust drop has been increased on monsters: IcelandBear, IcelandWolf, FrozenTroll, Amon Chief and Amon Warrior.
-> EXP gained from defeating “HellAmonWarrior” monster (Track +2) has been increased by 50%.
-> The EXP gained by celestial characters when defeating monsters has been increased.
-> Now the boss "Khepra" will also drop the book sephira "Spectral_Force" upon being defeated.
-> Now when the boss "Khepra" is defeated, the teleport to the unknown continent will open even if the channel is not new. The portal will be open until the next maintenance.

Remember to always start the game using the launcher to get the latest updates and fixes.

WYD Global Team